Tuesday 8 March 2016

99% campaign

G- This text is written in the form of a blog and is all in a written mode.

R- This text may be received badly from people who are against people on benefits as it is representing those on benefits to be good people and that it isn’t their fault that they live in this way. However if you are on benefits then you might receive this text in a good way as in a way this text is sticking up for other people like you and therefore may make them feel happy as they are being excepted in a way and not being ignored and that people do care about how they feel and appreciate that it may be hard for them.

A-The audience of this article would be someone who reads blogs or looks on the internet for information instead of reading the newspaper but also people who are interested in this subject or people who are on benefits that wan to see what others have written about them.

P-The purpose of this text is to inform people about how poorly treated people on benefits are and that they are through less off. This article may be to make people feel empathetic about the subject and therefore become persuasive and make people want to get involved.

E-The expectations of this text is for there to be a lot of opinionated text as it is a blog so it is written in the first person and normally opinionated. Also this text may contain things that may offend some people reading it depending on how much they express their feelings towards the subject or how strongly they feel about it.

In this extract from the blog there are many ideas that are discussed that expresses the writer’s feelings towards those on benefits. ‘benefit scrounger’ is how the blog extract is started and is written in bold with makes this text stand out but also in this extract talks about stereotypes used by other people about those on benefits. This is something that isn’t used by the writer themselves as they support those on benefits throughout the blog but ironically begin the blog with an asyndetic list of names associated with those on benefits. This is ironic and striking to the reader as when they read the opening paragraph they will think that the paragraph is against people on benefits as opposed to being for them and supporting them.

The commonness of accusations creeping into newspapers is compared to be as common as the appearance of a ‘suduko puzzle’ the writer then expresses their frustration about this as they discuss the reasons as to why people of benefits may be in the situations they are in, possibly to make them more persuasive and therefore maybe get people to think differently about those on benefits but also to appreciate that some people do have genuine reasons and maybe begin to get people thinking and behaving differently to those in situates that are less fortunate than them.

1 comment:

  1. Good choice of texts for tomorrow. In terms of the analysis of the 'benefits' article, it is important to turn GRAPE notes into close PEE analysis using as much terminology as possible to explore how the techniques suit the GRAPE. Try picking a range of key quotes to show how the text producer communicates with the implied reader via discourse techniques (e.g. use of 1st/2nd/3rd person, discourse markers, tone and register etc.), lexis (e.g. connotations, use of similes/metaphors, lexical field etc.) and grammar (sentence types, sentence moods, punctuation, noun phrases etc.). Good work on exploring the purposes, particularly.
