Sunday 20 November 2016

Vygotsky's theory of the 'zone of proximal development' is displayed within the second utterance of the transcript. 'I sitting on the bike (.) it make noises' the confusion of tenses and the missing inflection on 'make' supports Vygotsky’s theory of the 'zone of proximal development as although Tom knows what he is trying to communicate, he is in confusion regarding his tenses and therefore is in aid of some scaffolding in order to allow him to understand his misuse of tenses and therefore develop his language to allow him to be more fluent as well as accurate.

Showing a certain level of understanding, but a lack of clarity within this declarative, Tom is also supporting the telegraphic stage in Piagets theory which suggests that a child cannot learn something until their brain is developed enough, which to some extent contradicts Vygotsky’s theory as he suggest that as long as you are corrected as and when you make mistakes then you can learn something. His theory says that when a child knows something but it is incorrect they are in the 'zone of proximal development' this is where they have a certain level of understanding and with help they can learn it properly. Piaget on the other hand, he believes that until the brain is developed enough the child doesn’t have the capacity to learn the correction of something until they are developed enough to understand.

Contradicting piagets theory is Bruner. Bruner believes that anyone can be taught anything if it is simplified right down to make it easier to understand. He also says that you need to revisit and build up what you already know to expand your knowledge. As well as burner, Jim's case study of the child with deaf parents contradicts piagets theory as although he had deaf parents and wasn’t exposed to any scaffolding or the ability to pick up language from his parents he was still able to learn how to talk without the same amount of interaction as other children. In the transcript you can see that Tom is supporting all of these theories as Vygotsky’s 'zone of proximal development' can apply as top needs that scaffolding from his parents in order to help him to learn the correct tenses but also, Piagets theory is also supported as if Tom's brain isn’t developed enough and he doesn’t have the capacity to understand the tenses fully yet then he won’t be able to until his brain develops more which it could be argued that his brain wont develop enough until he is helped by his parents with other mistakes he makes until her realises what's right from wrong. As much as piagets theory therefore contradicts Vygotsky’s, it could also interlink.

Later on in the transcript, Tom asks his mum 'is these drawing cartoon network cup of tea mum' By saying mum at the end of the utterance shows that he is looking for positive reinforcement as he is demonstrating that he almost knows that the picture on the mug isn’t cartoon network but because he is unsure of how to communicate this with his mother her associates the drawing with cartoon network in the hope that his mum will understand what he is asking her about. 'is these drawings' this incorrect use of language represents Chomsky’s theory as this utterance wouldn’t have been picked up from an adult and therefore must have been born with some sort of knowledge as they wouldn’t have been taught this type of grammar or sentence structure from their care givers.

1 comment:

  1. Some perceptive comments.

    Intro/overview/protocol needed.

    Connect and contrast theories in the light of data (PEE) in each paragraph.

    'Telegraphic' is not a Piagetian term and the ZPD is what a child needs support to do - avoid terms like correct/incorrect but there is good contrasting of theory here - just add PEE and a few more details about the theories. Don't forget to link back to the title/question (always write this out to ensure you fully take it in).

    Jim didn't learn to speak well from the television because he lacked interaction.

    Proofread for capitals at the start of proper nouns and possessive apostrophes.

    Good subtler discussion of the interrelation of the theories in para 3. PEE needed.

    Some very good work. More close analysis e.g. in the last paragraph, explore what is non-standard that would not have come from imitation. Link back to the question more explicitly throughout.
