Tuesday 29 September 2015



Both of these articles display the importance of the refugee crisis in differnt ways. The first article is about a woman in thornbury who is is preparing to go to a refugee camp to give them suport. she talks about what she plans to do and why she wnats to do it. when interviewd she says
“I am always interested in learning first-hand what other people are going through, I feel that it is important for us as Canadians and people who are comfortably removed from situations like this to go there and bring home knowledge, experience and information about new ways we can become involved to help with this crisis.”  This woman has a positive attitude about he migrant crisis and is prepared to help these peopke when they need it the most.

In the second article by the gaurdian, it talks about the how people who have beeen involved in the migrant crisis have been who have immigrated to Australia have been denyed work. the article talks about the extrembness of the migrant crisis and how the UN should allow the imigrnats to work in their countires. This article mostly contains opinions and facts rather than interviews. it isnt an interactive article in the sence that it doesnt contain many interviews or opinipons of other poeple.

The frist article is a menaingful and heartfel article about how a woman who is happy to go and help the refugess who havent has the easiest of times over the last few months and she is happy to go to one of their camps to help and suppiort them when they need it the most. she tells the reporter why it is important to her to go to these sorts of places...“I just connected with her and she encouraged me to come, I thought I would get a response just asking me to send money, but I like to go to the places and see where the money is going.” This as a reader makes me feel empathetic for the people in the article as there are people out there that want to help other people who are less fortunate than them, but also they want to go to see where helps needs to be given and where the money of the pubic is going to help the migrants in their camps.

The second artcle is loooking at the migrant crisi from a differnt perspective. It shows how people who havent been that fortunate will still be willing to help other people even when they need help themselves and that they want to come to other countires not only for a better life but also to rebuild their lives and act as part of the country they have moved to by working and being like everyone else in the countrty and the people of the UN sare denying people of work even though they arwe willing to work to stay in the country so that they have a better life. “Although the Australian government could allow a detention centre worker to speak to the special rapporteur without the risk of prosecution, it has chosen not to do so in this case,” This comment suggests to me that altough they could allow this to happen very easily they are choosing not to. This may begin to be seen as racial segregation and the migrants might begin to take an offence to their decisions and begin to cause trouble in their country.

“I just think this is a really important issue that is all over the news and becoming this noise in the background and that is unacceptable to me,” this quote from the first article shows that to some people this disaster is not something that us as a country of the EU can just sweep under the capret and fogert about and that people like this need to be helped and must be delt with appropiatly rather than neglecting to keep the country updated with whats happeneing on the news.

'Guardian Australia has put questions to the immigration department asking whether it would be prepared to allow detention centre workers to speak to Crépeau, free of the restrictions of the Border Force Act. It has not yet received a response.' this extract from the article shows us that there is some conflict with the Austrailian govenment about the migrant crisis and that tey are still unsure weather to help these migrants by letting them work.

overall, these two articles are very different as they both talk abount different things. one talks about the importance of not neglecting the migrant story and the other talks about the Austrailan government refusuing to allow the migrants to work in their country. These two artices are completely different and have separate views of the crisis.

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