Tuesday 15 September 2015

This article is about how language in England us becoming very controversial and that there are many accents developing in and around the country. I last accessed this link on the 14th September 2015. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/oct/02/britain-accent-sound-foreign-snobs

This article is about how the language ad accents used in Brittan is adapting and he it has changed. it is also about how it is sometimes difficult to understand some people sometimes because of their accents.

The article states the importance in speaking all the letters in words. for example, some people tent to miss out a 'T'  in 'letter'. this can be difficult to understand if you are not from an are of the country where this is common. The article rightly states that the way we say words that are borrowed from foreign countries should be spoken correctly because they could be offended or could misunderstand what we are trying to communicate.

English itself is spoken so differently in many different English specking country's all over the world that there is sometimes language barriers and that there is common misunderstanding because of the way that language has adapted and changed over time in different places in the world. in this article the types of language in different country's is mentioned. language is an extremely important part of our lives. being able to communicate and understand one another is key in this day in age and I think this article addresses a few very important points about language and how it is differed and how important it is that it is spoken properly.

I think that the article itself have some very important points that most people wouldn't even think of but I think that because we are lucky enough to have people from all over the world not only visiting but sometimes living in our country we get to experience lots of different accents, because f this I think it is important that we as a country speak in a way that it is easy to communicate with each other so that there isn't any misunderstanding whilst communication.

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